Fees can be paid in Euros or Pound Sterling.
The symposium fee includes entrance to all Plenary, Oral, Poster sessions,
workshops and the exhibition area. It also includes the Buffet Reception on the
evening of 11th April, full lunch and coffee breaks on 4 days and the Symposium
Dinner on the evening of 13th April. It also includes secure access to the
E-Book proceedings of the meeting. Also attendees are offered accommodation at
the Hotel Berlin at preferential rates.
A administration fee will be applied on cancellation.
*An accompanying person fee of €150 includes buffet reception
at the Hotel Berlin and the Symposium Dinner (this does not include lunches,
coffee breaks or attendance of the symposium sessions). Children under the age
of 12 are not charged.
Commercial companies: please visit: Exhibitors &
Sponsors Section or Registration